Monday 31 March 2008

Im not... (3/31/08)

Im not talking today. Everyone keeps telling me that im not saying something right, so my plan is to keep my head buried in the book until the end of the day.

Ill give myself 5 bucks if I accomplish it. LOL

What form of communication can a human have without talking? We are so accustomed to using speech as the primary tool for communication, that it seems very difficult not to speak. It is a very odd thing, and kind of scary if you think about it. What if (I do that alot) an epidemic hit that took out the vocal cords of EVERY human alive. Would we cope? How would we work? Speaking is the most convenient way to communicate, writing seems like Ice Age technology, and sign language is just slow. Braille is out of the question, because we are too lazy to learn. So now we cant make noises, what now? How would we function? Scary...

Im reading Eclipse now (yes, I read New Moon in the matter of a weekend, not even that because we had a band thing at the firefighter benefit Saturday, and Cloud complained because all of the songs were slower than he liked. He needs to be patient, lol, we are getting there) and i am hoping she turns into a vampire. I've heard people say that the story would be over if she turned, and I really dont think it would be. It's a cliche, but the story would have just began if she turned.

IDK, cya later all.

Friday 28 March 2008

... 3/28/08

WOW im sunburned. Really.

There was a track meet at Maysville yesterday for the high school and I ran 3 events. 2-Mile Relay, 800 Run, and 400 Run (alot but not as much as Cody Prichard... JEEZ he ran alot)

Im bored in class and reading the Twilight series. Im on New Moon. I really like it, so Im gonna get off the computer and read. Later!

Friday 14 March 2008

The First Blog on This Page (\/\/00|-|00)

For the first blog (see my other one for boring class stuff) and first and foremost, I would like to invite anyone that would like to come to a baptist church to come to the First Baptist Church in Maysville. Awesome Youth Minister (since Cloud wants me to be specific) and youth group. I would also like to invite you to talk to me if you have any questions about Jesus you can send me a comment or email at (sorry to those who have read it and think its redundant, covering all bases).

My day has been okay. My girlfriends family has been having problems, so that is a drag, but I wouldnt be a good boyfriend if I wasnt there for her. Cant get much better then it is though. Im going to go spend 5 days with my grandparents, going to an archery contest (no I dont regularly shoot a bow, but its always fun) and then im going to work at their house until Wednesday. I hope to come back, hang out with Steve (Youth Minister) and Cloud (dont know if real names are relevant, or if he would beat me up for putting it up here, so ill stick with Cloud).

Anyway, If you read my other blog, im tapering off of that one, and my next post will be saying that on that blog, so just read this one if you must. It will have the most up to date stuff on it.

Hang loose fella's (and ladies)